
* *
* File: album.php *
* *
* This file gives a basic implementation of generating web content from a *
* Facebook group album using the Graph api *
* *
* Copyright 2018 *
* *

// Set personal access token
$access_token = ”;
$object_id = ‘237732069675612’;

/* Give an overview of all albums */
function overview($albums) {
foreach ($albums as $album) {
$cover = htmlspecialchars($album[‘picture’][‘data’][‘url’]);
$name = htmlspecialchars($album[‘name’]);
$id = htmlspecialchars($album[‘id’]);
echo ““;
echo “

echo ““;
echo ”


echo ”

echo “

/* Show a specific album */
function show_album($album, $name) {
// Heading with album name
echo ”


echo “Terug


// Show each image
foreach ($album as $image) {
$source = htmlspecialchars($image[‘images’][0][‘source’]);
echo ”

echo ““;
echo “


/* Retrieve data from the Graph API */
function get_data($url) {
$url = preg_replace(‘/\s+/’, ”, $url);
$json = file_get_contents($url);
$obj = json_decode($json, true);
return $obj;

// Show an album
if (isset($_GET[‘a’])) {
$id = htmlspecialchars($_GET[“a”]);
$url = “$id?fields=name%2Cphotos%7Bpicture
$album = get_data($url);
$name = htmlspecialchars($album[‘name’]);
$album = $album[‘photos’][‘data’];
show_album($album, $name);
// Show an overview
} else {
$url = “$object_id/albums?fields=
$albums = get_data($url);
$albums = $albums[‘data’];